Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anti's combo world

Hello everybody! I am doing a section of the blog for bsb , my section is about different combos. You will vote for the como that i will make a deck for. So without any further adue our first two combos for you to vote on.

bodal fdr ulmars projector (1 vote)


ebbika overworld dagger deck (2 vote)

Now remember the combo with the most votes will be the combo chosen for that weeks deck! So post you're vote here or shoot me a pm on

1 comment:

  1. So does anybody want to post their vote giga pmed me his vote for ebbika dagger i vote for ebbika dagger bsb votes for bodal fdr revivAL. Thats todays wrap up on the voteing. Do not forget you only have untill 11:59 pm tommorow to cast you're vote.
